Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Flak & Nova

Dannen "Flak" Dub'lon and Novalae Fendo (left to right). These two have been crewmates for nearly a decade, since Nova was a child. Nova is something of a gadgeteer, equipped with a range of technology that aids her in nearly any situation. Flak is an expert interrogater, as well as a scientist with advanced knowledge of chemistry, robotics, and A.I. Both are expert marksmen.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Ancient Cyborg

Early concept sketches of the "ancient cyborg" in the first scene. I'm not sure how practical it is to have cannons instead of hands, but the idea sorta gripped me -- And besides, maybe he's got some digits that fold out of a compartment or some such if he needs to do anything dexterous.