Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Original Silver Sun Pages

Silver Sun was originally designed as a Zuda submission. Zuda stopped running contests and it's no longer in the cards, so here's what I had. Moving forward, any work on the Silver Sun comic will be done in standard comic book dimensions, and these pages will need to be refitted and tweaked.

These pages were created about 6 months ago. Feedback welcome!

Most humans in the galaxy aren't really human -- At least, not completely. The majority are the robotic analogs of humans, relics from a time long passed. They carry on the likeness of their creators, and while they serve as an excellent tribute to humanity in the galaxy, they are still only machines. In other cases, humans have extended their lives through cybernetics, but these individuals often resemble humans little or not at all. Humans plain and simple can still be found, of course, if you look good and hard. Many of them pose as androids to avoid unwanted attention.

Pasha's a little human girl with an unusual family arrangement. Nearly the only "human" contact she's had for the last 5 years has been with a machine. The android, Rook, has been her sole care taker and provider since she was very small. Since human children are very conspicuous, he ushers her from one remote system to the next in an effort to keep her far from civilization and those who would seek to do her harm.

Pasha is among the last surviving natives of the planet Aaleron, a curious planet with curious properties, and with an indigenous people who posessed a wide assortment of unusual gifts. It's believed that the planet itself caused this evolution. It was also the last known planet with a large human population.

For many decades, the armies of tyrants rose and fell for the sole purpose of controlling Aaleron. Eventually and inevitably, they destroyed that which they wished to posess, and the Aaleros became all but extinct. Survivors are now exceedingly rare, and are such a scientific curiosity that they've become a highly valuable commodity on the black market.

Pasha's special, even among her own kind. She doesn't yet fully understand what she is, and Rook can only keep it from her and others for so long...

Meanwhile, Novalae Fendo is hunting another kind of commodity. Robots. She's been leading her crew from one system to the next in an effort to find life-saving components for her ailing cybernetically altered crewmate. When she bumps into Rook, she believes him to be just what she needs. In a way, she turns out to be right.